Hampton Magna Pre-School
Hampton Magna Pre-School offers a caring, secure and supportive environment where children can develop positive and respectful relationships with others. We recognise that Pre-School plays an important part in a child’s development by laying down the foundations for a successful educational experience. We provide a play based approach to learning and development to enable children to think creatively and critically and be motivated to learn and explore. We encourage children’s creativity, imagination and independence through free-flow access to a range of activities across the indoor and outdoor environment. Hampton Magna Pre-School is registered with Ofsted for 35 children and currently has a GOOD Ofsted rating. We are open for 38 weeks a year. The Pre-School is open between 8:30am – 4pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, with a variety of sessions to suit the individual requirements of your family..
Parent Partnership
We encourage our parents and carers to be involved in Pre-School life. Find out how we share your childs learning and keep you informed.
Opening Hours
The Pre-School is open during term time. Click here to find out opening times, seesions and fees.
Play and Learn
At our Pre-School we create positive play environments for the children, so they may develop good social skills and an appreciation of all aspects of our multi-cultural and multi-faith society. We promote the relevant frameworks and curriculum to support and enhance children’s learning and development holistically through a play based curriculum. We currently implement The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS); guidance for the development of young children from birth through to the end of their reception year at school. .

Personal, social and emotional development
Within a secure and stable environment children are able to develop a clear sense of belonging and are supported in developing skills for confidence, autonomy, respect for themselves and others.

Communication and language
Within this learning area children are encouraged to use communication, speaking and listening in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes. Activities provided can encourage language development including music, dance and songs. Interaction with other children creates a language rich environment and with the introduction of letters and sounds their skills, through specific adult initiated learning, can be supported.

Physical Development
Skills can be developed within all areas including gross and fine motor movements. The use of equipment will develop spacial awareness and enable them to be positive towards the benefits of being healthy and active.

Literacy, Mathematics, Expressive arts and design & Understanding the world
Children are provided with opportunities to link sounds and letters together and learn simple mathematical ideas and concepts to include sorting, matching, sequencing and counting. Opportunities are provided for children to explore and discover the world in which they live through a range of sources from families and friends and through situations observed. Children are encouraged to express their creativity through a variety of resources and materials.